10 Essential Things to Do Before Applying to College

Kala Paul
3 min readAug 4, 2023


Applying to college can be an exciting yet daunting process. As you prepare to take the next step in your educational journey, it’s crucial to plan ahead to ensure a smooth and successful application experience. To help you navigate this crucial phase of your life, here are ten essential things you should do before applying to college.

  1. Self-Reflection and Goal Setting

Take the time for self-reflection and identify your passions, strengths, and long-term goals. Understand what you want to study and what career path you aspire to pursue. This self-awareness will guide your decision-making. and allow you to find colleges that align with your interests and ambitions.

2. Research Colleges and Programs

Thoroughly research potential colleges and their programs. Consider factors like academic reputation, faculty expertise, campus culture, location, and extracurricular opportunities. Create a list of your preferred institutions, making sure they offer the courses and resources necessary to support your chosen field of study.

3. Attend College Fairs and Information Sessions

Attend college fairs and information sessions to interact with admissions representatives and get a better understanding of what each college offers. These events provide valuable insights and can help you narrow down your choices.

4. Build a Strong Academic Record

Colleges consider your academic achievements when evaluating your application. Focus on maintaining high grades throughout high school and challenging yourself with advanced courses whenever possible. A strong academic record increases your chances of being accepted into your dream college.

5. Prepare for Standardized Tests

Most colleges require SAT or ACT scores as part of their admissions process. Take these standardized tests seriously and consider enrolling in test preparation courses or using study resources to improve your performance.

6. Explore Financial Aid Options

College can be expensive, so it’s essential to explore available financial aid options. Research scholarships, grants, work-study programs, and student loans. Understanding the financial aid process can help you plan your college budget effectively.

7. Request Recommendation Letters

Secure strong recommendation letters from teachers, counselors, or mentors who know you well academically and personally. These letters can provide valuable insight into your character and potential.

8. Craft a Compelling Personal Statement

Your personal statement or essay is your chance to stand out from other applicants. Spend time crafting a compelling and authentic piece that showcases your personality, achievements, and aspirations. Seek feedback from teachers, family, or friends to improve your writing.

9. Organize Application Materials and Deadlines

Keep track of application deadlines and requirements for each college. Create a checklist for all the necessary documents, transcripts, test scores, and essays. Staying organized will prevent last-minute stress and ensure you submit complete applications on time.

10. Visit Campus and Interview

If possible, visit the campuses of your top-choice colleges. Campus visits allow you to experience the college atmosphere firsthand and envision yourself as a student there. Additionally, some colleges offer interviews as part of the application process; if available, take advantage of this opportunity to showcase your enthusiasm and personality.


Preparing for college applications is a crucial step in shaping your future. By following these ten essential steps, you can present yourself in the best possible light to college admissions committees. Remember, the application process can be challenging, but with proper planning, research, and dedication, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your academic and career goals. Good luck!



Kala Paul

☀️A Scientist..//🌚A developing writer who finds inspiration in the intersection of emotions, self-awareness, and the wonders of everyday life.